Ori Speed Drawings
“Fan art” comes in a broad variety. Some people draw, some compose music, others hand craft things. In the digital age, speed drawing has emerged as a way for artists to showcase their work from start to finish in a short amount of time. Needless to say, the beautiful world of Ori has definitely inspired people to create some gorgeous pieces. We wanted to take a few minutes to highlight some of the incredible speed drawings we’ve seen. Enjoy!
@BritKCaley shared her work with us via tweet:
Courtesy of Shupa Mikey:
From Neytirix:
From Raffaello:
From Lobowupp:
From LessaNamidairo:
From LupiArts on twitter:
As you can see, each artist has their own technique and style so everyone has a different interpretation on Ori.
If you have the time to spare, definitely watch through the videos and be amazed at the talent found in the Ori community. 💖